North America

Bryce Canyon – hoodoos and tiny creatures

Next after Yellowstone the red landscapes of Utah was my most anticipated place to see on my US National Park trip. There are so many beautiful parks in Utah that you could easily spend your entire holiday here. I think my favorite place in Utah was actually Bryce Canyon. The view from the rim is beautiful and the walk down the canyon is so easy and equally beautiful. You are walking between strange rock formations (the so-called hoodoos that almost looks like people) with tiny hummingbirds flying around. I walked the Navajo trail and Queen Garden’s trail combination and saw the two viewpoints Sunset Point and Sunrise Point.

bryce canyonThe view from the rim at Sunset Point.

The Navajo Loop trail

Near the Sunset Point you will find the beginning of the Navajo Loop trail.

bryce canyonThe rock in front in this picture is called Thor’s Hammer.

bryce canyon hummingbirdThe hummingbirds were flying about in Bryce Canyon and at one point a few of them sat still in a tree long enough for me to get this shot. I have never seen a hummingbird before and was so thrilled I managed to  see them up close and get a good shot of this pretty little fella.

The Queen’s Garden trail

The Navajo trails runs into the Queen’s Garden trail. It is named after a rock shaped like Queen Victoria overlooking her garden of Hoodoos. Can you spot her on the photo below? Here you will find even more funny shaped hoodoos and beautiful views over the desert landscape. The trail ends at Sunrise Point at the rim where you can once more admire the whole landscape from above.

bryce canyon

bryce canyon bryce-canyon16-blog

bryce canyon chipmunkThis little chipmunk posed for me a little while. I am so pleased with this shot – it’s so sharp you can almost feel its fluffy fur. I am so glad I didn’t carry my large and heavy 100-400 mm lens around for nothing!

bryce canyon

bryce canyon      bryce canyonbryce canyonOn my way around Bryce Canyon the weather changed from clear skies to grey with a thunderstorm in the distance. I almost felt I was a part of a Dali Painting.


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  • Reply America’s Natural Wonders: From Mountains To Canyons In Photos 3. March 2025 at 1:54 pm

    […] © SarahintheGreen […]

  • Reply Nikoline 11. October 2016 at 2:21 pm

    Wow, fantastiske billeder <3 Er kæmpe fan! Synes du har en virkelig fed stil.:)

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